Just last week I watched as two houses were demolished and 17 trees cut between 27th and 26th on Cambie, east side. See photos. The houses were old growth timbers, and some of the beams were incredible…and totally destroyed under the excavator. The disregard and waste was evident as the excavator also pulverized most of the trees, saving only the lower portion of the trunk for sale. Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock….fruit trees and large flowering shrubs…stacks of barely used plywood (having been used to board up the windows) being crushed (are you aware of the cost of a single sheet of plywood these days? around $100!!) And all this so ironic given the actions that are currently happening to save the last old growth forests
To see the photos I took, click on this link. Naomi’s photos
Naomi Steinberg.
Balfour and Other New Re-developments in RPSC
Balfour and Other New Re-developments in RPSC
- Another large site will be coming on stream — the Balfour site. ( Review RPSC Community Visions document, November 2005, Ch. 30, p. 65 (our website) and Cambie Corridor Plan, 2018, Ch. 6 Unique sites, pp. 153-161.) RPSC has received the initial proposal for a rezoning submission from Wesgroup. Please review the attached material and forward your comments to Allan Buium abuium@telus.net by SEPTEMBER 4th. We will collate the responses and submit them to Wesgroup for discussion.
- Don’t forget to check out the revised proposal for the Oakridge Transit site — vancouver.ca/Rezoning application, 949 West 41st Avenue…
- New Development at 33rd and Main—Here’s an item that you may find of interest — further rental redevelopment along Main St. — goodmanreport.com (go to “development sites” then “under contract”, Main & East 33rd Ave.) – It may be a good idea to review the City’s plans for future rentals along arterials as well as off– vancouver.ca/new-rental-zones-july-2020vancouver.ca and type in “rentals on arterials” SEARCH and scroll down to — “PDF – New Rental Zones July 2020” and the item should appear. There are a few other items that will appear and may be of interest.