Have a traffic problem in your area? Contact RPSC to put your problem forward with city staff. Email rpscvisions@gmail.com
If you interested or concerned about transportation in your neighbourhood, or feel that Riley Park South Cambie needs better traffic management, you might want to join this committee. It seeks to:
- Improve safety on major streets, e.g., Oak, Cambie, King Edward, Main and Fraser.
- Make city officials aware of traffic problems and safety on secondary streets.
- Promote alternative forms of transportation in the area.
- Limit speed in residential areas and ensure the public’s safety.
- Ensure that large scale housing and development projects include an integrated traffic management plan.
For more information, send an email to rpscvisions@gmail.com with the word `traffic` in the subject line.
For information on city wide transportation issues including constructionprojects, visit:
RPSC—Your voice in your community!