Residents of Riley Park South Cambie area are cordially invited to attend. Meetings are open to all. Please bring any questions or concerns you may have.
Meetings in 2024
January 17
March 20
April 17
May 15
June 19
July-August–summer pause
Sept. 18
Oct. 16
Nov. 20
- Day: Wednesday Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
- Location: Hillcrest Centre Level 2–Check at the desk for room number
- Meetings are also conducted via Zoom
- Chairperson: Allan Buium
Please join us.
Get Involved–It’s your community!
Residents of Riley Park South Cambie area are cordially invited to attend. Meetings are open to all. Please bring any questions or concerns you may have.
- Day: First Wednesday each month
- Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Meetings in person are held at: - Location:
Hillcrest Centre Level 2–Check at the desk for room numbeZoom: Meetings are also frequently held via Zoom.
For specific information contact
Please join us.
Get Involved–It’s your community!